Monday, 16 November 2009

US universal healthcare

The United States of America might just be on the path to real democracy!
If the US Senate does actually pass the bill on the universal healthcare reform, like the House of Representatives did, the "most powerful nation on earth" (as they seem to think of themselves) will be one step closer to true democracy.
With this reform, 36 million more americans will have access to affordable healthcare, making it truly "historic".
A real positive legacy of the Obama first presidency (yes, I believe and hope he will be president for another 7 years).
But this is wishful thinking...
The odds are that, the Senate will change this bill so much it will lose all its meaning and/or the insurance lobby and shadow body will team up with other dissatisfied corporate crooks (NRA, military-industrial complex, and basically all the scum that have had a free hand to destroy and loot everything they could lay their greedy hands on for 8 years) to take out Obama, whether physically (like they did with Kennedy) or psychologically (like they did with Clinton)...
So let's hope the forces of corporate greed, religious extremism and social disharmony will not be successful in preventing this giant step towards a more human and sociably fair state!
Yes they can

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