Thursday 29 October 2009

no news = good news, but...

Although it seems as if nothing important has happened in the World today and everything is hunky-dory, You shouldn't be fooled, things are as bad as they can get and they sure aren't getting better...
Anyday now the israelis could decide to strike the Iranian nuclear facilities (as they did in 1981 against the Osirak facility in Irak), thus provoking a crisis of cataclysmic proportions: the Iranian army would probably launch most of its long-range arsenal against tel-aviv and other israeli cities (mostly on Dimona, the military nuclear facility) while hoping the Arrow ABM defense system won't catch too many of them. If some Shahab-3 (Iran's long-range missiles) are left, the Iranian Air Force might very well target the oil-producing capability of the Gulf states and I am sure you can guess what will occur.
But that is only one of many pending doomsday scenarios.
We also have the taliban forces in Pakistan threatening to take over the national nuclear arsenal, the H1N1 virus (which I believe is the biggest hoax and commercial trick of the XXI century) and the catastrophic effects of global warming.
But the big news on BBC today was the alleged recovery of the US economy... yey!

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